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Stay curious

Join us on a tour of discovery with our catalogs. For optimal patient care, we are always introducing new, innovative products that you will find in our catalogs. With our new products, we also aim to make your work easier and save you time and materials. Working economically while being environmentally conscious - we bring all this in line with your projects. In the download area you will find our current catalogs, always updated. In this sense: stay curious.

Go to the download section

Urgent Information

Dear Customers,
Dear Business Partners,
Dear Friends of the Schein Group,

We are all very concerned by the current situation with regard to coronavirus (COVID-19). But we would like to assure you that the Schein Group is still there for you. Despite the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 and the associated consequences, our business operations in Remscheid, Rottenburg and Erfurt are safeguarded and secured.

Our production and supply chains are not currently affected by COVID-19. All employees in those areas are working to heightened hygiene and safety requirements, such as strictly separated shift work. Therefore, we are confident that your products will be delivered in the usual way.

In the interest of all parties, sales force visits in the coming weeks will be suspended or reduced to a minimum. Our sales force colleagues will continue to attend to you from their home offices and can be reached by telephone or email. Please feel free to get in touch with them.

Alternatively, you still have the option of contacting our corporate Group directly:

Schein Orthopädie Service KG
Tel: +49 2191 910-0

RuckgaberBrüggemann Orthopädie Service GmbH
Tel: +49 7457 9497-0

ATeC Shoes Orthopädie Service GmbH
Tel: +49 361 42014-0


12.03.2025 online


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28.03.2025 DE-Augsburg

Anatomiekurs – der Fuß

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02.04.2025 online

CMS Webinar

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04. - 05.04.2025 DE-Remscheid


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08.04.2025 DE-Remscheid

Sanitätshausfachberater Fußgesundheit „Keine Angst vor Füßen“

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09.04.2025 DE-Remscheid

Basiswissen Diabetes & erfolgreiches Arbeiten am Menschen

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06.05.2025 DE-Remscheid

Sensomotorische Einlagenversorgung (Senso CAD Basis)

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07.05.2025 DE-Offenbach

Fahrrad Biometrie Workshop

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27. - 28.06.2025 AT-Anthering

Sanitätshausfachberater Fußgesundheit „Keine Angst vor Füßen“

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03.09.2025 online


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16.09.2025 DE-Rottenburg

Sanitätshausfachberater Fußgesundheit „Keine Angst vor Füßen“

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17.09.2025 DE-Rottenburg

Basiswissen Diabetes & erfolgreiches Arbeiten am Menschen

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01.10.2025 DE-Remscheid


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14.10.2025 DE-Rottenburg

CMS Workshop

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15.10.2025 DE-Rottenburg

Konfektionierte Schuhversorgungen bei Diabetes-Fußsyndrom

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17.10.2025 DE-Augsburg

Anatomiekurs – der Fuß

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05.11.2025 online

CMS Webinar

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07. - 08.11.2025 DE-Remscheid


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12.11.2025 DE-Remscheid

Konfektionierte Schuhversorgungen bei Diabetes-Fußsyndrom

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13.11.2025 DE-Remscheid

CMS Workshop

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